
‹ 回上一個時期:內戰時期(1861–1865) │ 進入下一個時期:鍍金時代與一次世界大戰(1890–1918)

重建時期與工業化興起 Reconstruction and the Rise of Industrialization (1866–1889)

— 安德魯卡內基,鋼鐵大王與慈善家,一八八九年
“Upon the sacredness of property, civilization itself depends.”
— Industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, 1889


The growth of industry and a wave of immigrants marked this period in American history. The production of iron and steel rose dramatically, and western resources increased the demand for improved transportation. Railroad development boomed as trains moved goods from the resource-rich West to the East. Nationwide, a few businesses came to dominate whole industries. Cities grew so quickly they could not properly house or govern their growing populations.

‹ 回上一個時期:內戰時期(1861–1865) │ 進入下一個時期:鍍金時代與一次世界大戰(1890–1918)