
領導 Leadership

民主法治是民有和民治的,如同其他政治形式, 需要偉大的領袖們。不論是戰爭或和平,在國家最緊要的關頭中,美國一直幸運地擁有領導者們挺身迎接挑戰。美國的領導地位不受貴族和富人壟斷,而是個人,那些出身寒微且肯為國家犧牲的人來領導。

要用一篇詳盡的目錄含括所有美國領導人們是不可能的,而 「美國描繪展」選用一些圖像試圖呈現一小部分。照片、繪畫和雕塑都記錄並傳達這些偉大美國人故事的關鍵細節,並提供機會去了解更多塑造美國的相關人物和事件。

Democratic rule of and by the people, no less than any other form of government, calls for great leaders. In war and peace, America has been blessed with leaders who have risen to meet the challenges of our nation’s most defining moments. American leadership is not marked by nobility or riches, but individuals, many of humble beginnings, who were willing to make sacrifices for their country.

An exhaustive catalogue of American leaders in impossible, but Picturing America incorporates images of a select few. Photographs, paintings, and sculptures each capture and convey crucial details from the stories of these great Americans and provide and opportunity to learn more about the people and events that have shaped our country.
