
‹ 回上一個時期:前殖民時代(-1620)  │ 進入下一個時期:獨立建國(1790-1838)

殖民時代與美國革命 Colonial Period and Revolution (1621-1789)

— 克雷夫柯爾,美國農民來信,一七八二年
“What then is the American, this new man?”
— St. John de Crèvecoeur, Letters from an American Farmer, 1782


The eraly 1600s saw the begining of a great tide of emigration from Europe to Northa America. It was about a century after Christopher Columbus landed in the Caribbean. The first Americans were reborn free, establishing themselves in a wilderness unencumbered by any social order. Having left the baggage of a feudal order behind them, they built a country on the principles of political and social liberalism that emerged with difficulty in 17th- and 18th-century Europe.

‹ 回上一個時期:前殖民時代(-1620) │ 進入下一個時期:獨立建國(1790-1838)