
‹ 回上一個時期:殖民時代與美國革命(1621-1789) │ 進入下一個時期:西進時期(1836-1860)

獨立建國 Formation of the United States of America (1790-1838)

— 班傑明富蘭克林答”制憲會議之成果”
“A republic, if you can keep it.”
— Benjamin Franklin's answer to “what the Constitutional Convention had produced”


From a series of isolated colonial settlements hugging the Atlantic Coast, the United States evolved into a new nation, born in revolution, and guided by a Constitution embodying the principles of democratic self-government.

‹ 回上一個時期:殖民時代與美國革命(1621-1789) │ 進入下一個時期:西進時期(1836-1860)