
‹ 回上一個時期:獨立建國(1790-1838) │ 進入下一個時期:內戰時期(1861–1865)

西進時期 Westward Expansion (1836-1860)

“Go West, young man, and grow up with the country.”
— Newspaper editor Horace Greeley, 1851


Presidents Andrew Jackson, like many Americans of this time, embraced the notion of enlarging the "empire for liberty." They wanted to expand the borders of America westward. While some pioneers headed west to California, abolitionists attempted to expand the idea of what "liberty" in America meant.

‹ 回上一個時期:獨立建國(1790-1838) │ 進入下一個時期:內戰時期(1861–1865)