National Taiwan Normal University Library Venue Renting Fee

Venue rent Venue Capacity/Area Fee for each session Notes
International Conference Hall 141 seats (including 9 chairman seats). Around 110 ping (363 square meter) NT$10,000 Air conditioner and four microphones
Exhibition area 80 ping (265 square meters) Special offer with the international hall package
  1. There are two sessions per day, morning and afternoon sessions
    Morning 08:00 ~ 12:00
    Afternoon 13:00 ~ 17:00
  2. There are two interpreter booths, 141 headsets, LCD projector, wireless microphone for lending. If needed, please contact the library in advance to secure the equipment.
  3. To avoid inconvenience for the next renter, please return the venue and the equipment on time. If exceed the renting time, the renter’s renting right will be suspended for two years and the overdue time will be charged for one session fee, NT$10,000.
  4. Any damage to the equipment, venue, facilities, the renter is responsible for the repair fee or the compensation based on the market price.
  1. Fee for each session of the International Conference Fee: NT$10,000. (Including equipment and tea service fee)
  2. Contact: Mr. Huang (TEL: 886+2-77495288, E-mail:
Venue renting application form
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